marți, 26 august 2014

A day to remember

Hello again :D
 Last week was my birthday and I would like to share with you my special moments from that day. I had a perfect one. Looking back in time I had one of the most beautiful day of my life. Why? Because I had by my side the people I love most. Due to them my birthday was so special. I cant express in words how much I love them. Words cant express how thankful I am.
Mom, dad, sis- I will always be thankful for what you have given me. I cant fully express how much I appreciate your love and your care for me. Thank you so much for always being there for me. You are the best family in the world.
Love- you are my special one. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me the meaning of life. Thank you for loving me and receiving my love in return. I will cherish forever all the memories you gave me and I will love you always and forever. I wouldn't ever think that I would be as lucky to have you. I love you more than words.

Stiu ca a trecut mai bine de o saptamana de la ziua mea, insa abia acum am reusit sa scriu postarea despre "minunatul" eveniment ;))). Asa ca...mami, uite, intr-un final vezi si tu pozele de la ziua mea :))) ca tot intrebai de ele...
Privind retrospectiv pot sa spun ca am avut o zi de nastere deosebita, alaturi de oamenii dragi mie. Iar pentru asta trebuie sa le multumesc lor, atat pentru prezenta cat si pentru atentiile frumoase de care am avut parte.

Am primit cele mai frumoase cadouri de la cei mai minunati oameni. Trebuie sa recunosc ca sunt o norocoasa pentru ca am langa mine cei mai buni parinti din lume, cea mai iubitoare sora, un iubit perfect si prieteni adevarati. Va iubesc mult!
Multumesc tuturor ca mi-ati facut ziua mai frumoasa si mai speciala.
Acum va las cu cateva poze de la ziua mea. Enjoy <3

Pupici, D.

 Iubirea mea >:D< Te ador
Tortuletul meu <3
Ratusco >:D< my angel <3

O parte din cadourile mele minunate <3
Bineinteles ca nici la munca, ziua mea nu a trecut neobservata. Va multumesc mult!!! >:D<

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